To determine what the exact material requires a thorough examination and, to a beginner, it is a pointless endeavor. Beginners should only note that the more lively a roulette ball is (the more it bounces), the harder it gets to project in which pocket it will land. More lively balls Bouncingball8 casino are usually avoided by visual trackers. It is exactly the type of balls, which a number of casinos use, in order to curb attempts by players to use number-projecting schemes.
It is useful to note that a more lively ball is required on a truly-biased wheel, as it will pass through a larger number of pockets before it comes to rest. This way it also has a greater chance to land in the biased section of the roulette wheel.
However, there are certain drawbacks for the casino. In case the roulette ball is too lively, it is possible for it to jump out of the wheel head either on the table or even on the floor, a situation that would slow the game down. It would be quite a shameful scenario.
Another drawback for the casino is, that by using a more lively ball, there is a greater possibility for the latter to be caught by a loose or high fret. A bias, which otherwise may not have been playable, could be intensified if the ball was a more lively one.
Ball Switching
Casino practice has witnessed dealers having 2 or 3 additional balls at the table at their disposal. This way they are able to switch balls, whenever they consider as necessary.
In most cases, dealers switch one ball with another when a particular player has made consistently successful bets. As a procedure, this is as if changing dice in a craps game or placing a new deck of cards on the blackjack table. Many casinos use these simple procedures in order to break a player’s streak of luck.
Ball switching was introduced in casino practice not that long ago, when supervisors noticed some players tried to control the drop of the ball, using external electromagnets.
In order for an electromagnet to prove useful, a ball having an iron or a steel slug in the center needed to be switched with a regular casino ball. At the time, a dealer’s ability to change roulette balls appeared to be a fairly good way to counter such a scheme. At present, elite casinos use a magnetic stud finder to check their roulette balls on a regular basis.