Craps is one of the most intriguing of casino games – often seen in a live casino, but sometimes never played online. It’s time to change that right now with the Bouncingball8 casino Guide to Craps!
We’ll take you inside this classic dice game, to give you the lowdown on the rules, odds, and the best strategy to try out. We’ll also point you in the direction of our recommended online casinos where you can play real money craps, and practice what you’ve learned.
The History of Craps
Craps is one of the Bouncingball8 casino games with a long, and storied history. Games with dice have been played for centuries, with most of the games that we’d recognize in some form.
After several developments of these games since then, French Aristocrats imported a version called ‘crebs‘, to American society in the 18th century, and it was this game that spread across , eventually translating into the game of craps which is played today.
What is Craps?
Modern-day craps can put off some casino players due to a perception that it is overly complex. Many players look at a craps table and decide it must be a difficult game to learn, but as you’ll see, this is far from the case, and once you’ve mastered the basics, craps is an engaging and exciting casino game to play – online as well as in a Bouncingball8 casino.
Craps can seem overwhelming, but once you know the basics, it’s a fun and fast-paced game. Understanding the main bets and how the dice rolls work is key to enjoying the game.
How to Play Craps
Playing craps, whether online or in a live casino, largely comes down to the rolls of the dice and the bets you can make on the craps table. This is also where the layout of the table becomes important, so knowing what each of the symbols means is critical to understanding the game of craps.
Craps is a game in which each player takes turns being ‘The Shooter’ or the one rolling the dice in an effort to roll or avoid specific numbers. You can still place a bet on the table even if you’re not the shooter. Bets can vary from reasonably safe bets to very complicated bets where you’re likely to lose money.
The shooter keeps rolling until they get a 7 at the wrong time – Called ‘sevening out’ – at which point the player loses and a new round begins with a new shooter.
So, how do we get rolling? First, you need to know how to bet.
The Pass Line Bet is the most basic bet in the whole game, it pays even money.
Say the dealer has turned the hockey puck-shaped marker over on the table, which says ‘OFF’; that means it’s a new round, and now’s the time to put your chips on the ‘Pass Line’ portion of the table to place your bet.